Lorem Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
The Right Psychic, the Right Fit: An Unconventional Approach to Finding a Psychic
Looking for the right psychic? Perhaps you should see if they were wrong for someone else.
How Do You Know You’ve Met a Psychic? Are You Scared?
How do you know if you’ve met a psychic? They probably scare you. There’s a reason psychics used to be burned at the stake. Psychicdude tells a little story about being hated on for being psychic.
Curses? Foiled Again: Phony Psychics and Curses
Phony Psychics are a dime a dozen, and they’re everywhere there’s people looking for psychics. A common psychic scam is the promise to remove a curse. Psychicdude discusses common traits of this scam.
Male, Female, or Something in Between or Outside: What Gender Psychic is Right for Me?
Some people feel more comfortable working with a male or female, depending on what they’re seeking. Psychic Dude discusses a common question of whether you should specifically seek out a male or female psychic.
Tarot Card Spread Patterns: Four Basic Things to Know for Better Readings
Psychic Dude discusses four patterns that can appear in a tarot card spread and what they mean.
When To Ask the Tarot for Answers
People often ask me when they should consult the tarot. I explain proper timing in this post.
Is The Three of Swords Card That Bad?
The Three of Swords is one of the most unfortunate -- and scariest -- cards in the Tarot. But is it really so bad? Psychic Dude weighs in.
What is the Death Card, and Why is It Great?
The Death Card tends to scary new tarot users. Psychic Dude explains why it’s actually a good thing, if you can learn to let go.
Psychic and Spiritual Services Aren’t For Validation
Psychic dude explains why psychic and spiritual services don’t exist to validate your beliefs about yourself, but to bring you closer to universal truth.
How to Make Your Psychic Want To Work With You Again
Psychic Dude tells you the three things you can do to make the most of a psychic reading and make a psychic want to work with you again.
When Psychics Don’t Know the Answer
For a variety of reasons, your psychic or clairvoyant may not be able to answer your question. It’s entirely possible that the future isn’t set, or that for some other reason, the question cannot be answered at the time.
Psychic Protection, Part I: Symptoms of Psychic Attack
You may think you’re sick or just under the weather, even if you’re perfectly healthy. You’re not horrifically depressed or in depair. Life just seems....flat, and nothing works out. Could you be under psychic attack? Psychic Dude discusses the four main symptoms of psychic attack.
Psychic Protection, Part II: Shielding Yourself From Psychic Attack
Psychic Dude provides and overview of the various ways psychic protection can keep you from being psychically attacked.
How to Find A Psychic Healer
Looking for a psychic healer can be difficult, especially if you’re hurting right now. Psychic Dude provides an overview of what psychic healers are for, what to expect, and what to look for.
Five Clues that Tell You About Your Past Lives
Even though we all have lived other lives, we may not remember what those lives were, who we were, what we did, and what happened. However, we may have lingering memories of past lives. There are clues in our likes, dislikes, fears, and even in our own bodies that tell who we may have been in a previous life and what happened.
Remembering Your Dreams
Dreams may be prophetic and help you tap into the spirit world, but it’s hard to know if you can’t remember them. Psychic Dude discusses remembering your dreams.
Creating Psychic Connections with People
Love is the surefire way to develop a psychic connection to someone, but what about someone you don’t love? Psychic Dude knows a trick to developing these kinds of connections.
Dreaming and Psychic Ability
This is the second part in a short series on dreaming and psychic ability. Psychic dude explains how to learn to have and understand psychic dreams.
What Do Clairvoyants Do?
Psychic Dude explains what a clairvoyant is, what they do, and how they do it.
What Is Scrying?
Psychic Dude explains scrying. You may know it as by the stereotype of staring into a crystal ball, but it is a legitimate -- and powerful -- psychic exercise.
5 Types of Naturally Psychic People
Psychic Dude lists and explains the five types of naturally psychic People. Are you one? Find out!
Common Aura Colors and What They Mean
An aura is the psychic light or glow surrounding person. It originates from the soul and for those who can see them, tells something about their soul. An aura can be many different colors, but is usually predominantly one color at any given time. Psychicdude explains what the most common colors mean.
How Color Affects your Psychic Ability
Did you know that the colors you wear or surround yourself with can enhance or ruin your psychic ability? Psychicdude explains which colors help or harm, and how.
Seeing More with an Open Third Eye
The third eye, also known as the mind’s eye, is the one psychics use to visualize things. Their physical eyes don’t perceive the magickal, mystical, psychic, or extraordinary, but their third eyes do. Psychicdude explains what the third eye is for and gives one crucial suggestion for opening yours.
Media Matters: Sound, Music and Psychic Ability
Sometimes, when you can’t get absolute silence, you’ll settle for music. While music can enhance concentration, it can augment or even damage psychic ability by creating a brain distraction. But what can you listen to that will actually help?
Altered States that Don't Require Drugs
While many shamans, mediums, and lightworkers may use substances to get into altered states so that their minds are more open to the Hidden World, there are more things than substances that will alter your brain chemistry and create a similar affect. You may already be familiar with them!
Weird Signs of Psychic Synchronicity With Someone
Psychic Dude explains common signs that you’ve become psychically in sync - or synchronized - with another person without realizing it. Synchronicity happens when your mind picks up someone else’s energy because you’re on the same universal frequency, if only for a brief time.
Playing Will Enhance Psychic Ability
Psychic Dude knows the real secret to becoming a better psychic is through play. Play is how we really learn, and how most psychics enhance their abilities.
What Is Spiritualism?
Spiritualism is actually the dawn of the New Age movement, from its humble beginnings in Western New York to an international craze. Though it has largely died out, it had a lasting positive impact on the feminist movement.
Is It Possible to Telepathically Communicate with Aliens?
During the height of Project Bluebook, the United States Marine Corps. may have used psychically gifted Vietnam War recruits to telepathically speak to aliens.
How to Tell the Difference Between a Real Astrologer and a Fake One
Psychic Dude explains how to tell the real astrologers from the fakes.
What You Need for A Good Astrology Reading
PsychicDude explains the top three ways to get the best astrology reading.
The Best and Worst Times to Get an Astrology Reading
Not every time is a good time for an astrology reading! Astrology readings are best for certain times in your life and not good for other times. Psychic Dude tells you which ones.
Solar Eclipses and Astrology
Solar eclipses have astrological impact, whether they’re large or small, and no matter where they happen on Earth. Psychic Dude briefly explains the astrological impact of solar eclipses.
The astrological elements
The elements are a part of magickal antiquity and play a major role in Western astrology. Psychic Dude gives you a primer on the elements.
Stop Blaming Mercury Retrograde for Anything and Everything!
Mercury retrograde is a two-week period in which small mistakes and slip-ups can happen, but it’s in no way responsible for major catastrophes. It’s trendy to fear Mercury retrograde, but there’s just no reason for it.
Is It a Past Life Experience? Maybe, Maybe Not
Do you think you were a certain person in a past life? It may not be so. Check these three things to figure out if you’v made a mistake.
A Brief List of Spirit Animals and What They Mean
Spirit animals are archetypes, representing different aspects of the personality. Here’s a list of common animal spirits
Common Dreams Meanings
While we may all have different dreams, many of us dream the same things. Psychic Dude explains three common types of dreams.