When you get a tarot card reading, these four basic things may happen. Here’s what each of them mean:

Mostly major arcana cards: Whatever you have asked about is of great importance and affects your spiritual and personal development. Even if you don’t think it’s a big deal, it is a big deal, or it’s the innocent beginning of a big deal. Take special notice of the cards and what they tell you.

Mostly minor arcana cards: Whatever you’ve asked for is relatively minor in the grand scheme of things. Granted, it may be very important right now, but when resolved, it’s over. It doesn’t change you in any profound way or affect your future very much.

Mostly one suit: Each suit represents a theme. Cups is emotions and intuition. Wands is activity and drive. Swords is intellect and detachment. Pentacles is the material world. If you get mostly cards of one suit, then the question isn’t of earth-shattering importance (because it’s a spread of mostly minor arcana cards), but you should use your energy in a certain way to get the results you want. Swords tells you to be more objective. Wands tells you to be more proactive. Cups tells you to be more subjective and creative. Pentacles tells you to be more practical and opportunistic.

Many (more than one or two reversed cards): Getting more than one or two reversed cards in a spread indicates that you’re not ready for the answer, or that you’re not asking the right question, because you’re not going to get what you want or need. This can happen when someone is in denial or when they refuse to give up on a lost cause. Think about what you actually want and ask the question again.