Did you know the colors you wear and the colors around you affect your psychic ability? Read on to find out which colors help - or hinder - psychic ability:

Red: The color of the element of fire. Red enhances energy but reduces objectivity. Best for generating masculine psychic energy.

Orange/gold: Orange and gold are good for attracting positive and young spirits and wealth readings.

Yellow: Yellow is the color of the element of air. Yellow enhances clairvoyance and telepathy, but reduces empathy.

Green: Green is the color of the element of earth. It's great for healing, remote sensing, and money readings.

Blue: Blue is the color of clairvoyance and peace. It calms and dispels negative energy. It enhances all psychic abilities. 

Aqua/Turquoise: Aqua and turquoise are blends of green and blue and greatly enhance all empathy and intuition. This color attracts spirits and is great for mediumship. 

Pink: Pink doesn't enhance psychic ability, but it does attract feminine energy and deters masculine energy. 

Purple/violet/Indigo: These colors enhance psychic ability the most, especially astral projection, and all forms of divination, like astrology, and tarot. Pair with aqua or turquoise to increase the power.

Brown: brown grounds loose and negative energy. It blocks psychic energy and helps you get back to "reality."

Black: Black attracts dark energy but it also protects against evil by absorbing it. Should be used selectively so as not to overwhelm and suck out all the psychic energy.

White: White reflects energy and acts as a protective barrier against all forms of psychic energy. Best for psychic protection. 

Silver: Silver is best for finding inspiration and channeling and directing feminine/goddess energy.