An aura is the psychic light or glow surrounding person, coming from the soul and indicating the health of the body and soul. Different colors mean different things. Here's a list of the most common aura colors and what they mean:

White: Absolute purity and innocence. Usually only seen on very young children and saints. Angels have white auras.

Black: Great sickness, evil, or death. Something is very wrong. If an otherwise good person suddenly develops a black aura, they may be close to death, even if they seem healthy.

Blue: A spiritually healthy and happy person. It's hard to maintain and rarely seen in adults nowadays. Not too spiritually advanced, but nonetheless happy and attracting positive energy from the universe.

Yellow: An intellectually curious person. They don’t have an ego about their intelligence. Scientists and writers tend to have this aura if they’re genuinely intellectual.

Red: Intense emotions, like anger, lust, courage, or enthusiasm. These people have infectious feelings and can provoke strong feelings in others. Provocateurs, and iconoclasts have red auras. 

Green: Healing and nurturing. Either the person is being healed or they have the power to heal others, often without realizing it. Can be seen on doctors and nurses, too. 

Purple/Violet/Indigo: High Spiritual Advancement. A great visionary of psychic; an old soul or one not of this world. Doesn't fit in, doesn't need to fit in. Bodhisattva warriors have these auras. The Dalai Lama has a purple aura.

Aqua: Highly Creative and Imaginative. When artists are in the zone, their auras are aqua. Also seen on psychics, especially young psychics, and holy people. Pope Francis has an aqua aura.