A solar eclipse is the passage of the moon over the sun from Earth's vantage point. The moon's path around the Earth actually brings it directly between a place on earth and the sun so that it appears as if the sun is blocked out temporarily.

The solar eclipse was considered to be an omen in ancient times, largely because blotting out the sun could mean the end of life. While we know that to not be true, eclipses still have psychic and astrological significance.

People born during eclipses are destined to do great things and brig about some sort of major change that is disruptive of the status quo, probably unwanted at first. 

When eclipses happen, they can create change for people who have natal planets or points aspecting the eclipse. While we all feel the waves of change, these people feel the waves more strongly. For them, the eclipse is the sign of a definite change, depending on the sign and house placement.

The last solar eclipse was in Leo, the sign of courage, playfulness, championing the ego, and celebration of life. It can either cause a humiliating downfall of someone who is conceited and thinks they're invincible, or cause the rise of someone whose has real power but has yet to be noticed.