Scrying is the psychic art of looking into a neutral object, such as a black mirror, crystal ball, still water, or flame, and allow seeing visions. If you’re a fan of Game of Thrones, you know that the Lord of Light “speaks” to his followers by showing them images in flames.

Scrying works by allowing the psychic to clear his or her mind by focusing on the blankness or neutrality of the object. One stares at dancing flames, focusing on the movement and thinking of nothing else, or the stillness of the water, or the contour of the crystal ball, or blackness of the mirror. The psychic become hypnotized. As their own thoughts subside, they become open to receiving messages from the universe.

From there, they may literally see visions in the object, or their own mind may be filled with visions. Both are possible.

Scrying is also a good practice for trying to develop a still mind for other psychic practices. Since it requires focusing energy on staring at something that aren’t interesting or attractive, or is rhythmic, or blank, it makes the psychic stop thinking their own thoughts and develop a mind open to receiving messages from the universe.