Trying to remember your dreams can enhance your psychic ability. If you know how to remember your dreams, you're ready to start analyzing them and interpreting them.

It's important to remember that not all dreams are going to be psychic. If you're worried about an upcoming exam, you may dream about the exam going poorly, but that could be your anxiety, especially if at the moment, your anxiety is stronger than your intuition. However, if you haven't strong or latent anxiety and yet you dream about the test going wrong, or something else out of the ordinary happening, it may be worth heeding the message in the dream.

The first step to psychic dreaming is to be open to dreams. This means not judging them. Scary dreams aren't nightmares, and good dreams aren't ideal. After all, you wouldn't be much of psychic if all you could see was good news in the universe. So, look at whatever comes to you with curiosity. It can't hurt you. If you must, remind yourself before you go to sleep that nothing in dreams can hurt you.

The second step is to write things down. Don't worry about writing a linear narrative. Write what you remember best. Whatever it is -- sites, sounds, places, people -- write it down. Don't dwell on it or it'll disappear. Trust me, it happens. As time goes on and the images settle you'll begin to understand what they mean and synthesize the images into a coherent message. It may not apply in the near future, and you may not know who would benefit, but that's not important now. If you're dreaming it, you're connected to it somehow.