That depends on where it shows up in the reading, as well as the type of reading that you're doing. Chances are, it's worse when you're doing a love or romance tarot card reading. However, if you're very attached to whatever you're asking about, you will be devastated, disappointed, or deprived.

This doesn't necessarily mean that it's bad in the long run. But it may be healthy for you overall. We attach to things that aren't good for us. We also keep holding onto things that have outlived their usefulness. and sometimes, we have no control over what happens because someone else has the power. However, there's no point at trying to get someone to love you back when they don't love you or cannot demonstrate it in a way that is healthy or not harmful.

Of course, you may be the one dealing out the heartbreak, and still, you can't control what will happen. The heart in the card is in free fall, symbolizing a lack of control and a feeling of never ending pain. Time does heal, but the present heartache feels eternal. This card shows that you can't devastate someone, break up with them, then demand they be your friend or have no hard feelings.

Remember that there are three swords still pointing down: the Three of Swords is sorrow, but also the possibility of the vengeful heart that now wields three swords.