Synchronicity is the phenomena of one's will and intent aligning with the universe in a way that is beyond coincidence. Psychic synchronicity can happen when two people's wills meet and travel in a parallel direction, even without realizing it. Happy meetings and dated ones, like meeting your soulmate, can be examples of this. Your minds and wills are in sync. 

However, sometimes you just meet or pass briefly, for reasons not yet known, but there are weird ways to tell that it's happening:

  • Suddenly getting a craving for a food you don't normally crave or even like.
  • Becoming obsessed with a song you wouldn't normally like.
  • Having an irrational hatred of someone you just brushed passed, without there being any more contact.
  • Having a very strong emotion just by looking at or being near someone.
  • Being compelled to show up in the same place over and over again, looking for something, though you're not sure why, as if something should be there for you.
  • Being mistaken for a certain person more than once in real life (and they're not a sibling). 
  • Having someone from your past pop into your head from out of the blue, and then showing up in your life soon after. 
All of these signs have a similar theme: Like a car radio picking up crossed signals and playing two stations at once, your mind is on the same frequency as someone else, and you’re mind is picking up their signals.

Just because you're traveling the same path as someone doesn't mean the meeting is good for you or that it's happy. You may have a karmic lesson to learn, or they may learn a lesson by coming in contact with you. Especially when it's a person from the past, that person could serve as a tale of what your life could be like if you made different decisions, and why you shouldn't look back.