Death, the 13th card in the major arcana, looks like one of the scariest cards in the tarot deck. A skeletal knight rises a pale horse, forcing kings and babies alike to their knees. No one escapes death, and when death comes, all kneel. Death is the great equalizer. 

It's true that this can represent literal death, but that's very rare. The tarot isn't so on-the-nose. Rather death symbolizes the end of things and the promise of rebirth. It's not your death, or someone else's death, but death in general and the regenerative cycle. This issue natural order of things. 

This is revered in many cultures and religions, including Christianity. Jesus was born, he died, he descended into Hell, he came back to life, he ascended into Heaven. Without death, there is no life. Thus, death is the end of one thing to make way for the beginning of another.

The Death card indicates the end of something and the beginning of another, totally different thing and becoming different. This isn't graduating from middle school and going to high school. This is graduating from university and going into the real world. It doesn't matter what you want or plan, either. Death doesn't negotiate. 

So, what can you do? Accept and embrace change. Look on the bright side and say goodbye to all the things you're leaving behind that weren't so great. After all, death does lighten your load.