Spirit animals are archetypes, but they can also literally bring wisdom to those who come in contact with them, both in real life and on the astral plan. Each one represents a different thing. Here’s a quick list of what some popular and common spirit animals mean:

Wolf: cooperation, teamwork, strength, and mastery

Raven: wisdom, cunning, speaking well, solving problems

Butterfly: positive transformation, learning to enjoy beauty

Hawk: wisdom from the Other Side and insight from beyond

Fox: Cunning, trickery, crazy brilliance, seduction

Spider: Creativity, masterminding, biding time, magickal ability

Rat: resourcefulness, making use of anything, observing

Owl: learning from observation, keen insight, focused mental energy

Dog: Loyalty, family, seeking leadership, pleasing others

Cat: Aloofness, finding comfort in being alone, stealth, always landing on one’s feet

Fish: Invisibility, mysticism, not being what you seem, mutability

Cow: security, comfort, taking it easy, seeking abundance

Bee: loss of ego in order to become part of something bigger, sacrifice and duty

Bear: getting ready, waiting, silent strength, but fierce protection of loved ones

Seagull: travel, natural freedom, making do with what’s on hand

Peacock: beauty, enjoying the fruits of one’s natural gifts, seeking approval