Psychic Guild ESP test
The Universal Psychic Guild offers an online Zener card test. You can choose the traditional symbols, or try colors or numbers. You can choose 10, 50, or 100 trials. There are two tests: clairvoyance and precognition, which means that you choose a symbol, color, or number already chosen by the computer, or you can predict what the computer will choose. If you get more than 28% correct, the test considers you to have psychic ability (the average guess is 20% correct, so technically, anything above 20% is indicative of possible psychic ability). I think these tests are worthless. Here’s why:
Humans didn’t evolve to create connections to computers and the “choice” a computer makes doesn’t exist in any tangible reality. The computer isn’t making a “choice,” nor is it looking at a card the same way that a person is. The computer is dealing with 1s and 0s. It doesn’t see a symbol, a number, or a color. A computer doesn’t create or react to cosmic vibrations. So, there is no clairvoyance when it comes to computers and predicting what they will do. This is like trying to psychically predict when a particle of sand might become part of a window pane. With this in mind, you also have no way of knowing how this test is programmed. Is it really completely random? Is it programmed to be completely random? I take this test a few times and I find out that even though I consistently score above 28%, I might be psychic.
PsychicDude Likes
- There seems to be a lot going on other than this test that might be worth a look.
- The colors on the test are pretty.
- Even if you’re psychic, they won’t let you get cock about it. ;)
PsychicDude Dislikes
I think it’s safe to say that I hate this test, though it isn’t the most egregious thing in the world. They really should just call it a game and not a test. Then, it won’t be misleading.