was part of the Ivillage network back in the days of Internet 1.0. Now, it’s a much more scaled back version of the original, but still wildly popular. It is odd though, and I have to admit that I haven’t been here in a while. For example, now you can put in your date of birth and supposedly get a personalized horoscope, but it’s actually the same horoscope everyone with your sun sign gets.
What’s more interesting is if you scroll to the bottom to read customized daily and weekly horoscopes for all sorts of facets of life. For example, you can get daily food horoscopes, home horoscopes, garden, horoscopes, LGTBQ horoscopes, travel horoscopes, business horoscopes, etc.
And while they’re all fun, I noticed a big problem: sometimes, they conflict with each other. I understand that they don’t have the same person doing horoscopes. How could they? There’s not enough hours in the day. However, it doesn’t seem that they’re using the same criteria to create the horoscopes. also sells full year astrological forecasts. The previews are pretty good: down to earth, accessible, and interesting to read.
This site has a few perks for the beginning astrologer, like what they call Zodiac 101, which includes an introduction to astrology. This can help readers understand other parts of their vast horoscope offerings, including the cosmic calendar.
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-’s horoscopes seem to be written with different criteria, and they conflict. How can you have an awesome day at work if you’re also supposed to have a crushing disappointment in your love life?