Harmik Gupta
Harmik Gupta is a psychic from India specializing in tarot card readings. He usually works out of his home in Mumbai. Tarot cards aren’t usually the tool of choice for Indian psychics, but Gupta, a devote Hindu, grew up with rich imagery and symbolism, so when he was introduced to tarot cards by a British tourist during one of his readings, he found it easy to understand and use. Gupta claims that tarot enhances his natural abilities and helps him to share the vast and intense impressions he gets from the Brahman with clients from all walks of life, speaking all languages. Gupta is almost grandfatherly in his readings. One thing that I think many Westerners may have to get used to is his tendency to take a while to get to the point. He really believes that a reading should be a conversation. Since most of his work is done in person, over tea, with clients who have cut out huge chunks of their day to wait and meet him he kind of expects his international clients to do the same. He also has a tendency to tell you what to do, specifically. So, if you ask him for a love reading, and he tells you to break up with your deadbeat boyfriend, he’s not suggesting you do it; he’s instructing you, and he expects you to comply. After all, this is what the Brahman tells him through the cards. After all, if you didn’t want advice that you could follow, why would you ask? Gupta is a great tarot reader for those who really will make changes in their lives.
PsychicDude Likes
- Harmik Gupta is a long-time psychic and master of tarot.
- Harmik Gupta has a conversation style.
- Harmik Gupta truly believes that he is meant to give good counsel to his clients.
PsychicDude Dislikes
Harmik Gupta tends to act like a parent who expects you to do what he advises. If you’re not willing to make changes, then Gupta may not be for you.
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