Salem Tarot
Salem Tarot was created in 1995 by Salem, Massachusetts warlock Christian Day, “the world’s best known warlock.” Christian Day is a successful warlock, if not of the occult arts than of marketing. He owns two occult shops in Salem, a psychic hotline, and hosts witchcraft events. Salem Tarot links to his various online endeavors. Christian Day, however, is one of the people responsible for making the town of Salem into a tourism destination, keeping alive the memory of the Salem witch trials, but mostly becoming a go-to spot for serious fans of Halloween. He’s a polarizing figure to say the least.
Salem Tarot offers a simple, three-card spread. If you click on the cards, the site chooses three for you and gives you a reading. The interpretations are pretty good, practical, and to the point. However, I did disagree with some of the interpretations of the cards I got. I didn’t disagree with the card itself, but the interpretation. Then again, I’m not sure if I want it publicly challenge Christian Day on anything, since it may not be the end of it. However, for most of the cards that I read, the interpretations were not just good, but really rather insightful.
This however, isn’t really the best part about this website. Go to the Table of Contents to learn about tarot. These are well-written articles, albeit from a witch’s point of view.
PsychicDude Likes
- Salem Tarot offers a free reading that is insightful and understandable.
- Salem Tarot has a list of articles about tarot for the curious beginner.
- Salem Tarot is part of a larger sphere of psychic services, accessible from the website.
PsychicDude Dislikes
You can’t choose your cards on Salem Tarot, and while I disagree with some of the interpretations, I don’t think they’re incorrect.