Intuition Test
This is a much more clever, perhaps tongue-in-cheek online psychic test. This one actually has you not interacting psychically with just a computer. I’ve complained about this before, but online psychic tests that require you to predict what a computer will do is like testing your psychic ability by trying to predict what a rock will do if dropped in the water. This one is funny at times. Each question is worth five points.
First, you have to predict what your score will be. Then, you go through and answer a variety of questions, from what the name of the author’s dog, to which tree is hidden behind the optical illusion. If you score over 40, you may be psychic.
The psychic test was created by intuitive counselor Max Highstein and provides a link to his page, Intuition Retreat, at the end of the test, for those who would like help further developing their psychic abilities. In comparison to their intuition test, which is probably far more informative than the psychic test, you’re more likely to get a little laugh out of the psychic test. And that the reason I’m not blasting this one is because I know it’s supposed to be fun. After all, if you predict a pretty modestly low score, there’s a good chance that you have 5 points right there. [Also, everyone knows that US Airways usually has the lowest online prices for direct domestic flights.]
PsychicDude Likes
- This test is fun and knows that it’s not meant to be taken seriously.
- If you want a serious test, on the other hand, try the intuition test.
- Check out the Intution Retreat for some real help on honing your psychic and intuitive abilities.
PsychicDude Dislikes
I’m still searching and hoping to one day find a legitimate online psychic test.