If you don’t know what is, let me be the first to introduce you to the world out from under your rock. is a veteran of Internet 1.0, survived the dotcom crash and continues to thrive. Perhaps during a recession, people need psychics more than ever. However, it remained where others failed. offers a wide variety of psychic and astrological services, including Vedic and Mayan astrological readings. There are advisors that have been with since 1999. Now, if that doesn’t inspire you, I don’t know what else will. This website also separates their psychics into definite groups. If you want a tarot reading, click on the tarot reading, and you’ll find psychics who specifically do that. Same with psychic readings, astrological readings, and numerology readings. This is important: someone may read tarot, or do astrology or numerology and not consider themselves to be a psychic. In fact, many actually do not, and most astrologers generally do not like being referred to as psychics.
Advisors have different rates. They can be as low as $1.50 a minute to $10 a minute, and the first three minutes are free for new customers.
My only beef with this site is that it doesn’t tell you when the psychics are free, other than that you can call them now. It doesn’t say if they’re already on a call, if you have to wait, or if they’re out sick that day. This would be great to know when choosing a psychic.
PsychicDude Likes
- is one of the oldest and most trusted online psychic networks.
- The organization helps you choose what kind of psychic you want (and, if you don’t want a psychic, you can find one of those people)
- A wide range of prices fits anyone’s budget and the pricing scheme is simple.
PsychicDude Dislikes
- doesn’t let you know if the psychic you want is available to talk or if there’s a wait, or if they’re answering calls that night.